Patient Dosimetry QA software RIT


The RIT Patient Dosimetry software package offers a full suite of dosimetry routines using EPID or films. Easily streamline your Patient QA with RunQueueA, RIT’s automated batch analysis feature, and easily export analysis routines as PDF reports with a single click. Patient Dosimetry QA highlights include: Isodose, Distance-to-Agreement (DTA), Gamma Function, Subtraction, Centroid Measurement.


The Distance to Agreement function individually analyzes each pixel in the Reference Image, and calculates the distance to the nearest pixel in the Target Image that falls within userdefined criteria.
DTA Pass/Fail
Gamma function display shows the gamma function result for each pixel location.
Gamma Analysis
Slice Thickness Accuracy: Counter Descending Wedge
Subtraction Difference Plot
Two sets of paired 45º wedges
Composite of Subtraction and DTA Pass/Fail
Two sets of paired 45º wedges
Patient Dose Thresholding

Additional information


Patient Dosimetry QA Example Reports

RIT Web Site